1300 848 072
Suite 1,
5 Jowett St,
Coomera, QLD 4209
Below you will find the answers to many questions that people often have when engaging in psychotherapy.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch by sending us an email or completing our online query form.
Appointments | How do I make an appointment? You can make an appointment by giving us a call, sending us an email, or you can book online through the MHM Psychology website. Click here to book an appointment online, or call us on 1300 848 072.
How long is each session? Each session runs for around 50 minutes.
Where are you located? We're located at Suite 1, 5 Jowett St, Coomera. Close to the Coomera Police Station and Boathouse Tavern. Click here to see a map on our contact page. |
Costs | How much does each session cost? Most often, the cost of a session is $260. Significant Medicare rebates are available. More information can be found on our Fees/Referrals page. Session fees do vary for third party referrers.
When and how do I pay? We collect credit card or debit card details when you commence your appointments. These details are securely stored using the Stripe payment platform. Your appointment fee will be charged to your card at the end of your appointment or at the end of the day on the day that you attend your appointment.
Do I have to pay the full amount up front? If you are claiming a rebate through Medicare, yes, the full payment for the appointment is charged up front and you are then reimbursed by Medicare. It is a Medicare requirement that Medicare supported sessions are processed in this manner. We will submit your rebate request to Medicare for you. Usually your rebate will appear back in your bank account within 1-2 days.
Will I be charged a cancellation fee if I miss an appointment? We require a minimum of 24 business hours' notice for all cancellations. If we do not get 24 hours' notice, the full session fee is charged. When we don’t get enough notice that you can’t attend, other people on the waiting list miss out on getting an earlier appointment, your psychologist’s time is wasted, and of course, you get no benefit. We contact all clients the day before their appointment as a reminder of their appointment time and to ensure that they can still attend and to give an opportunity to reschedule if needed. If you can't attend your appointment in-person on any given day, it is possible to change your appointment to a telehealth appointment.
Rebates, Medicare and Referrals | What is a Mental Health Care Plan and how do I get one? A Mental Health Care Plan is an assessment completed by your GP or Psychiatrist which allows you to then access rebates for your psychotherapy appointments. To have a care plan written up, just give your GP or Psychiatrist a call to book an appointment. When organising your appointment with a GP, be sure to advise them that you want a care plan completed because they may need to book a longer appointment. You will also need a referral letter to accompany your care plan to make your referral valid (and so that you can get a rebate from Medicare).
How many sessions does Medicare support? You can access Medicare rebates for up to 10 appointments each calendar year, with a referral from your GP. You cannot save up your appointments and have more in the following year. Each January, with a referral from your GP, you can access another set of 10 rebates for your appointments.
How do I get my rebate? We send a rebate request to Medicare for you on the day you attend your appointment. Your rebate will appear in the account which you have provided to Medicare.
Do I need a referral to make an appointment? No, you do not need a referral and you are able to attend as a private paying client. However, most people do get a referral before commencing in psychotherapy in order to receive a rebate for their appointments, which covers a large part of the cost of attending an appointment.
Will my sessions be bulk-billed? We are unable to offer bulk-billed appointments.
Can I claim both Medicare and Private Health? Please speak with your private health fund to see if you are eligible for a further rebate after receiving a Medicare reimbursement.
Therapy | What happens at the first session? At your first appointment, your psychologist will talk to you about the areas of your life that you want to improve, let you know about the process of psychotherapy, talk to you about some administrative matters related to your appointments and have you complete some forms and a questionnaire. You do not need to worry about saying the right thing or to be concerned about knowing what to say. Your psychologist has lots of experience with this process and is there to direct the appointment in the most helpful direction.
Can I ask questions? You are free to ask your psychologist as many questions about your sessions, psychology, psychotherapy approaches, etc., as you wish. We want you to be as informed about the process of psychotherapy as you would like to be.
What is Confidentiality and what are its limits? Your appointments are private and confidential. Engaging in psychotherapy offers you an opportunity talk openly about the most difficult parts of your life, with the knowledge that your information will be kept safe. There are, however, some exceptions where your information may be released. These exceptions include;
Should I be nervous? The majority of people do experience some anxiety before attending their first appointment. This is completely normal. After meeting your psychologist, seeing how ‘normal’ the process of psychotherapy is, most people come to enjoy and look forward to having their appointment and their anxiety dissipates. Your psychologist understands that people feel anxious when starting the therapy process and will takes steps to make you as comfortable as possible.
What is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist? Psychologists have specialized training in human emotions, cognition and behaviour and are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of many common psychological problems and issues. Psychologists use ‘talking therapies’ to help clients reach their goals. Psychiatrists have undergone a medical degree and are also experts in human emotions, cognition and behaviour. The major difference, is that typically psychiatrists will offer medication as their treatment of choice in the management of psychological problems.
What if I’m finding therapy to be really painful or difficult? Strong emotions are often experienced in the therapy room. This is normal, often forms part of a healing process and once difficult material has been addressed, often leads to reduced distress in the future. You psychologist is used to seeing strong emotions and will support you every step of the way.
If you feel that things are moving too fast or that you are feeling overwhelmed, be sure to let your psychologist know so that the pace of your sessions can be changed to make you as comfortable as possible. You are always in control of your sessions and can speak with your psychologist about any difficult matters that arise.
How can I make the best use of therapy? For psychotherapy to best work for you, making it a priority in your life and investing your time and thought into your sessions is vital. This will maximise the gains you make in therapy. This might include setting aside regular time to reflect on how your therapy is progressing, setting homework tasks with your psychologist, taking notes on key insights that you make during therapy and to enter each session with goals and ideas on what is a priority for you to address. Another prerequisite for good therapy is speaking openly in your appointments, without feeling the need to censor or minimise your true feelings. Although this can be difficult initially, the more open and honest you can be, the easier it is for you and your psychologist to identify what is at the core of your presenting concerns and to then make positive change in your life. |