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Online Psychologist Australia


MHM Psychology has options for people to attend psychology appointments from the comfort of their own home via telehealth psychology. Many people prefer to see a psychologist online, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, getting into the physical clinic can prove to be difficult for people with high anxiety or other distress and concerns. At other times, clients prefer to see an Online Psychologist simply for the convenience. Having your appointments with an online therapist means there is no travel time, you can more easily fit your psychology appointments into your day, and you have access to more online psychologists, being able to see the psychologist of your choice from any location. Online psychology services are particularly helpful for people living in rural 

and remote areas, for people with an already busy schedule, and for those with mobility, medical, or mental health issues that prevent them from getting to a physical office. 


During the COVID pandemic many referral agencies updated their policies to allow for telehealth psychology appointments. Since this time, online psychology appointments have become a normal part of the psychology landscape. At MHM Psychology, roughly 40% of people choose to have their psychology appointment online. Click here to read more about Clinical Psychologist Dr Mark Bartholomew.



Online Therapist: How does it work?


Getting started with an Online Psychologist occurs much the same way as seeing a psychologist in-person. The first step is booking your appointments and letting us know that your preference is to see a Psychologist online, rather than in-person. Many referrals will work the same way. If you are referred through Medicare by your GP, you will still be eligible for a rebate for your psychology appointments. Many other programs also allow clients to choose whether they attend in-person or if they have their therapy online, including appointments through DVA, the QPS SelfRefer Program, Open Arms, NDIS, and Workcover Queensland (when approved by the Workcover advisor managing your claim). Some clients attend privately (without a referral from any referral agency) and they can also attend their therapy online.


     Steps to getting started with an Online Psychologist.

  • Call and book your appointments as usual, letting us know that your preference is to have your therapy online. 
  • If you already have a referral completed through Medicare, DVA, the QPS SelfRefer program, Open Arms, or NDIS, then your referral is already set up and ready to go, you will be covered to attend your therapy online.
  • If you don’t yet have a referral, then follow the steps needed to have your referral completed. This varies depending on how you plan on attending (e.g. for Medicare and DVA referrals this will mean a visit to your GP to have a referral written up, for SelfRefer clients you can simply get in touch to book an appointment). Workcover clients need permission from their case manager that they can attend their appointments online.
  • Once your first appointment is booked, MHM Psychology will then send you some intake forms to gauge how we may be able to assist you.
  • Close to the time of your online appointment, you will be sent a link that invites you to attend your Online Appointment via Zoom. We use Zoom for all of our online appointments as it has proven to be the most reliable online therapy platform for us.


     How can YOU prepare for your online therapy appointment.

  • Find a private and quiet space where you can have your online appointment. A room away from others, that you know will be private and confidential. Consider if others will be around and if you may be heard during your appointment. Make sure the space is comfortable enough for the duration of your online psychology appointment.
  • Make sure that you have adequate and reliable internet access.
  • Download the latest version of Zoom on your device to make sure you’re ready to go at your appointment time. This could be your laptop, tablet, or phone.
  • Using a device that can sit comfortably on a table or desk in front of you for the appointment is best. It can be uncomfortable trying to hold up your phone or device for the duration of your appointment.
  • Find some lighting that illuminates your face so that your online psychologist can see you adequately. Bright lights behind you will make you difficult or impossible to see.


Online Psychologists Australia


When looking for an online psychologist, MHM Psychology are here to help. There are many providers of online psychology services, however, not all providers are the same. Some providers of online psychology services are NOT based within Australia. If you access a psychologist that is not based within Australia, then it likely that you will NOT be eligible for any rebates. It may also be difficult to assess the qualifications of the person you are talking to or whether the standards of psychology in their respective country are the same as those within Australia. Psychologist from other locations may not be bound by the same ethical requirements as an Australian Online Psychologist. 


If you’d like to find out more about our telehealth services, you can get in touch with us on 1300 848 072.