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Military Psychologist Gold Coast


At MHM Psychology, we provide counselling services and psychological treatments to people who are currently, or have previously, served in the military. We also provide these individual counselling services to family members of veterans and military personnel and there are a number ways to access free psychological support (e.g. white and gold card holders and referrals through Open Arms for which Dr Bartholomew is a registered provider). As a psychologist on the Gold Coast, Dr Bartholomew strives to provide high-quality counselling services and psychotherapy that is client-centred, military specific, and effective.


Although a range of problems can develop through some of the challenges that military life brings, PTSD is a particularly common problem. Click here to read more about psychological treatment options for PTSD. Similarly, for the families of people who have served in the military, they too can face unique challenges including supporting their partner or parent after they discharge or return from deployment, or dealing with the effects of a loved one with mental health difficulties following their military service.  


Counselling Services for Veterans and their families on the Gold Coast


Military life can bring a wide and varied range of concerns for military personnel and their families. This can include the impact of the demands and responsibilities of military life, deployments and postings, frequent relocations, extended periods with an absent family member (e.g. during deployments), the impact on the family unit, and the potential exposure to highly traumatic events and challenging deployment experiences.


Such experiences can leave a significant mark on families and the everyday functioning of those involved. Located on the Gold Coast, MHM Psychology provide military specific psychotherapy. Through the development of an individualised case formulation, we will work with you to create a path forward with any problems that you might be facing. 



Dealing with suicidal thoughts and difficult emotions


Within Australia, the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 44 is suicide. This is a sad statistic indeed. Although both genders can be effected by suicide, male ex-serving defence force members are at particular risk when compared to civilian men of the same age. Exposure to trauma and violence, and a diagnosis of PTSD, can also increase the risk of suicide. If at any time you require immediate assistance please call 000, Lifeline on 13 11 14, or your nearest emergency department. 


If you are experiencing any of the following problems, we recommend getting in touch with our team to discuss how counselling services may be of help to you: 

  • Thoughts of ending your life, particularly if these thoughts are persistent and intrusive.
  • Severe levels of distress.
  • Severely depressed mood.
  • Persistent and severe anxiety or panic attacks.
  • Nightmares or flashbacks (when you feel or act as if traumatic events are reoccurring).
  • Isolation and withdrawal from friends and family.
  • Difficulties socializing or being in crowds.


If you would like more information please feel free to get in touch with MHM Psychology on 1300 848 072. MHM Psychology is located in Coomera on the Gold Coast. Both in-person and online sessions (telephone or videoconference) are available to best suit your needs. To see other services that we provide click here